Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Check up from the neck up

I slacked the past couple of days with updating my blog. I'm sorry, but i'm making it up to you today. Here is a link to probably the most helpful article I've ever read. I'm serious about this. Read it and give it a try at the next race. I did some of the breathing and relaxing before my races last weekend, and had some of the most consistent gates I've ever had. Not only is it good for concentration but also very helpful for recovery by getting your breathing under control. I hope my competition isn't reading this one.

Check out the article and all of James Wilson's stuff here --> http://www.bikejames.com/strength/check-up-from-the-neck-up-tapping-into-the-ride-changing-power-of-your-mind/#comments


  1. Thanks for checking it out. I really dig this, and find it really helpful for racing and relaxing.
